Transitioning from React to Native DOM APIs: A Real-World Case Study

 Transitioning from React to Native DOM APIs: A Real-World Case Study

One dev team made the shift from React’s "overwhelming VDOM" to modern DOM APIs. They immediately saw speed and interaction improvements.

 develop the user interface of its web browser, Edge, Microsoft recently began moving away from React and other JavaScript frameworks to embrace what it called an “HTML-first” approach. Instead of using React to create the user interface — the most common web development paradigm today — the Microsoft Edge team pivoted to an approach it described as “markup-first, small bundles, and less UI-rendering JavaScript code.”

After we published that post, I was approached by a developer who had also made a similar transition. Julien Moulis is a senior frontend developer at a Swiss IT company called Eukleia, which is building a custom developer tool called Mindsapp. Moulis reached out to tell me that for Mindsapp, his team “decided to make the shift from React’s overwhelming VDOM to the fantastic modern DOM API.”

“A few months ago, we decided to transition a part of our application from React to vanilla JavaScript.”
– Julien Moulis, Mindsapp

We’ll get into what that means shortly, but first I want to quote Moulis on what changed and the impact it had on their end users. (And note that because Moulis isn’t a native english speaker, I have lightly edited his quotes for language clarity.)

“I could not understand how, for only updating text, analyzing a VDOM and all the concurrencies and hundreds of functions, could be faster than just updating the DOM element itself. So I built a small SSR Node.js, for reactive data and routing, RxJS for the frontend web components — and we reduced the load time on some pages with a lot of data, from 6 seconds to 300ms.”

To summarize, Moulis streamlined his application by moving from a complex virtual DOM-based framework (React) to a simpler and more direct approach using modern web technologies, resulting in much faster load times for users.

So how did he do this? I asked Moulis to tell me the story.

“A few months ago, we decided to transition a part of our application from React to vanilla JavaScript,” he told me. He described his company’s app, Mindsapp, as “a low-code application to enable us to develop applications faster — it’s an app made by developers for developers.”

Since the whole point of Mindsapp is to help developers speed up their development, the team where concerned that React was actually slowing it down.

The Problems With React in Mindsapp

“The thing is, we felt that our needs no longer aligned with the React paradigm.”

One of the features of Mindsapp is a page creator, where the pages are a graph network built with Neo4j. Moulis explained how the React version using pages had worked:

“When I request a form, I receive an object that contains, among other things, an array of elements. […] Until now, when I received these elements, I passed them through a recursive function that built the various React components based on a Map indexed by the ‘component’ property. Once rendered, the user had access to all basic form interactions, navigation, etc.”

They also used React’s context API and reducers “to manage all data and updates,” and for routing they used React-router.

There were a couple of key problems with this React approach. The first was “unnecessary renders” — even though they’d made “significant efforts to optimize using the available hooks.” The second was issues with routing. “Since the pages were objects returned by the backend,” said Moulis, “we couldn’t define all the routes in advance.”

After thinking through the problems, Moulis asked himself this question: “How can modifying a simple input value and displaying a simple span with the entered text be faster through a framework than directly accessing that element?”

This motivated him to find a solution closer to the browser platform.

“The thing is, we felt that our needs no longer aligned with the React paradigm,” he told me, adding, “I emphasize that this is a specific case to us.”

Implementing the Native DOM API Approach

After various attempts to modify the structure of their app, Moulis and his team eventually “chose to get closer to the native DOM APIs.”

“To do this, we set up a simple SSR server (Node) to prerender our backend objects and produce our components via a simple template string parser and a map,” he said.

Here is the overview of what the Mindsapp team did, according to Moulis:

“To achieve this, our Link component sends requests directly to the SSR server. If the response is okay, the SSR sends back the page; if there’s an error, it sends a 500 or 404 page, which we can configure on our page creator. We also set up a simple RxJS fromEvent directly on the window object to handle native browser navigation, which itself also sends requests to the SSR server.”

This took them a month to implement, but the results were immediately noticeable after that.

We were completely surprised by the speed gain, Moulis said. “Our application engine is designed to produce complex ERP-type applications, which involve heavy data consumption to present in real-time. On a page we consider complex, with over 800 DOM elements, some of which use different subscription systems via our event system at initialization to update when necessary, the overall load time dropped from 4-5 seconds to 400ms.

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