Top DevOps Trends to Watch in 2024

Top DevOps Trends to Watch in 2024

DevOps continues to evolve, driven by the need for faster, more reliable, and scalable software development and deployment processes. As we look ahead to 2024, several trends are emerging that promise to shape the future of DevOps. Here are the top trends to watch out for:

1. GitOps Becoming Mainstream

GitOps is gaining traction as a standard practice in DevOps. This approach treats infrastructure as code, managing it through Git repositories. By leveraging Git for deployments, configuration changes, and infrastructure updates, GitOps ensures consistency and reliability. It uses familiar tools and workflows like pull requests and CI/CD pipelines, making it easier for teams to manage infrastructure changes. As more organizations adopt GitOps, it promises to enhance automation and improve the overall efficiency of DevOps practices.

2. Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs)

Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) are set to become a crucial component of DevOps workflows. These platforms provide developers with self-service access to the tools, resources, and environments they need, streamlining workflows and reducing dependency on centralized IT teams. Projects like Spotify's Backstage and Port are leading the way in making IDPs accessible to organizations of all sizes. By adopting IDPs, companies can enhance their development speed, governance, and compliance, ultimately leading to faster CI/CD cycles and more efficient development processes.

3. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) as a Standard

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have officially become a standard in web development. PWAs offer several advantages, including responsive design, offline functionality, app-like interactions, push notifications, and secure connections. These features make PWAs a powerful tool for creating robust, user-friendly applications that work seamlessly across different devices and network conditions. As businesses continue to leverage PWAs, developers need to stay updated on best practices and tools for building and maintaining these applications.

4. JAMSTACK Becoming a Standard

JAMSTACK (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup) has transformed the approach to web development, offering improved performance, scalability, and security. With the rise of static site generators like Gatsby, Next.js, Nuxt, and Hugo, developers can create highly performant and SEO-friendly websites. The popularity of frameworks such as Remix, SvelteKit, and Astro further cements JAMSTACK's status as a standard in modern web development. As more developers adopt JAMSTACK, it is essential to understand its principles and benefits.

5. Popular Backend Frameworks Performance Benchmark

Understanding the performance of popular backend frameworks is crucial for making informed decisions in web development. The TechEmpower benchmark provides valuable insights into the performance of frameworks like Spring (Java), ASP.NET (C#), Fiber (Go), Actix (Rust), Express (Node.js), Rails (Ruby), Django (Python), and Laravel (PHP). These benchmarks help developers choose the right framework for their specific needs, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.


Staying ahead of these DevOps trends will be crucial for organizations aiming to enhance their development workflows and deliver high-quality software efficiently. By adopting practices like GitOps, leveraging Internal Developer Platforms, and understanding the performance of various backend frameworks, developers can ensure they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that 2024 will bring.

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